AUG 30 2020


So— this has been fun. Right?
A 17 year old Kid with a machine gun gets driven to a riot by his mom.
The kid kills two people, and blows off another guy’s arm.
And…?? people’s opinions are divided on this?
If it looks like murder, and smells like murder— well it must be murder— right?
Well— no. Not here in the American legal system.

But before we get to that— Let’s just start with everything so lethally wrong about this situation— like the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse had been attending the baby cop-sucking academy, training to become a blue life. Of course, there aren’t blue lives at all— except for the Smurfs, and the blue blooded Fugates from Appalachia.

But this little prick is simply not the saint the right is painting him out to be. Conservatives have found photos of him cleaning graffiti— just like there is a photo of John Wayne Gacy playing with kids before his mass-murders, and Ted Bundy doing the dishes before chopping up his victims— and Charlie Manson wrote songs for the Beach Boys before Helter Skelter—

So— if you wanna go down that road— Remember, prior to the killings , this pre-pubescent incel Kyle Rittenhouse was caught on camera beating the crap out of a young woman— FROM BEHIND. But— that’s okay. Conservatives love violence toward women— and also murder.

On top of this, there was Kenosha cop Paul Swick AKA Lieutenant Lickspigot writing to Kyle’s Three Percenters’ Group to encourage their reckless trigger-happy behavior. This cops’s page was full of posts about Q-anon, Civil war, and “rubber bullets turning into real bullets.” But, rather than tell this incompetent child to get the fuck home, the cops offered him a bottle of water and said how much they appreciated Kyle being there with his AR-15.
He’s five-foot tall and clearly can’t grow a beard. But not one cop even tried to ask how old he was.

So— Negligent mom. Negligent cops. Same Gangbangin cops that crippled Jacob Blake in the first place. Conservatives have gone from saying, “good guys with a gun stop active shooters,” to “active shooters deserve to the self-defense defense.”

All I can really picture is Kyle sitting at home in his room thinking about the bacon factory and protests while fetishizing John Wayne riding into town and perpetuating the myth of American Exceptionalism. I’ve got a big dick, and a pretty wife, and we’re going to steal this here land in the name of Western Civilization. And we’re going to murder your family too you MONGRELS. And if you don’t like it— once I steal your shit and skull-fuck your wife, I will remind you of the “non-aggression” principle— our favorite Libertarian concept to absolve oneself of wrongdoing and shift the blame to those dirty heathen victims you have just butchered. This aint my goblin agenda, kid!

Does a 17-year-old have autonomy? Sometimes. Not enough to have an AR-15 in a riot. Enough that they should try him as an adult— or at least surgically attach dildos to all of his fingers.

I’m not going to get bent out of shape over the crossing of state lines—
Maps are imaginary.
Government is not real.
And we should all be able to roam free without Uncle Sam telling us what to do.
But until people learn to take care of each other, and their environment—
And until we are to live up to the ideal of living in peaceful coexistence without the intrusion of government— we have to deal with the surreality of the government butting it’s head into our business. That’s one of the paradoxes of striving toward an Anarchistic society.

but Rittenhouse’s Mom’s actions are so negligent that they should honestly charge this copsucking incubator for little killers with murder too. I mean, if I were to travel back in time and break Genghis Khan out of space-jail and drop him off in Kenosha, it would be reasonable to assume that people were going to get killed. Like mass-murdered, Daddio! If you pick up Hitler and drop him off at your nephew’s barmitzvah, shit is going to pop! You don’t bring Hitler to a bris, a bar mitzvah or a Jewish wedding. And you sure as shit don’t bring Kyle Rittenhouse to the protests in Kenosha. You had to have seen that coming.


But— In the American legal system, there’s always a prosecution and a defense…. Like chocolate and peanut butter— or pussies and dicks, or dicks and butts, or pussies on pussies— or strap-ons and butts— or just pussies running from Donald Trump’s grabby little hands— and his mushroom-shaped dick banging up against you like an oversized clitoris. I understand that Ben Shapiro likes his sex dry. So, I’m not sure how he works into this metaphor about the American legal system…

But, apparently this whole Prosecution VS Defense kind of thinking goes for the court of public opinion as well.

When Lefties see the videos: they see a 17-year old cosplay cop/wannabe space maggots who showed up at a BLM protest— and after some guy threw a plastic bag with some trash in it….
Said wannabe cop went batshit crazy…. and then he murdered and maimed a bunch of protesters in cold blood. He is either a full-on psycho, or a mindless dog, incapable of understanding the moral implications of what had just transpired. a Fopdoodle.

When Righties see the videos, they see a hero who acted in self-defense against the throwing of a vicious, godless plastic bag, hell-bent on destroying our American values, our families, and all that we hold sacred. It was an affront on Western Civilization, and Donald Trump, and Tiger King— and all of reality Television, because conservatives believe that protecting property is the greatest sacrifice a man can make in this life.

These are the people who say, “all lives matter.” Right? Don’t Squiddle my time with idle talk.

They’re probably the same people that heard that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald and thought case closed.
Or, the kind of people who claim to be for law and order, but don’t care there was no trial for 911… the greatest crime on American soil in modern history…… but only if we are to forget about the stimulus package.

But, I digress.

Conservatives think it’s wrong for lefties to destroy property to try to stop cops from killing more people. But somehow conservatives also believe that its okay for righties to KILL people to stop them from destroying property…
And these are the people that call themselves pro-life?

You ever fantasize about holding a gun in a cop-suckers mouth while demanding they pull their head out of their ass and just be logical?
No? Well of course not— it’s the conservatives sticking guns in people’s faces and blowing their heads off.

It’s not the guns that do the killing. The left has John brown gun club… But I don’t see them killing anyone. Except maybe that guy from Patriot Prayer. And that’s not good either. But look at the score card.

Dylan Roof
Robert Louis Dear
Wade Michael Page
James Alex Fields
Jeremy Christian
fucking Octopus dogs

On and on. I get it. I’ve been to the drive through window at McDonalds. You’re a vergetarian— and for some reason the salad is five bucks— and a burger is a dollar. How is that fair? It isn’t. That shit could turn you into a violent Antifa any day.

But it doesn’t. They say Antifa is dangerous. But I just don’t see it. I think they may just be vegetarians. Or they want to lead a healthy lifestyle. More so than you angry Grackles.

Donald Trump labeled them a terrorist organization. But, if the Trump presidency has taught us anything, it’s that conservatives are violent. Conservatives are dangerous. James Alex Fields drove his car into the crowd killing heather heyer.  Jeremy Christian attended a Proud Boy rally then stabbed three people on a train for being muslim. Tiny Toese started a riot in Providence in 2018, and countless other street fights throughout his affiliation with the Proudboys.

When Tiny and his friends showed up in Portland last week, his buddy Cole Scott was allowed to just pop off his gun into the air.
fellow proudboy Alan Swinney pulled a gun on the crowd— and soon as the Proudboys were done, the cops started tear-gassing the lefties. 

Oh— then Kyle Rittenhouse murdered 2 people in Kenosha, after cops fired 7 rounds into the back of Jacob Blake. Soooo… the cops work with the violent right-wingers, and encourage them— and after they kill people buy them hamburgers, like the did with Dylan Roof. I think the connection is clear. Guns don’t kill people. McDonalds kills people.

But let’s get back to the law.

It’s devolved into mindless worship of authority. Within the conservative field of thought— “Kyle’s one of us. He deserved to get away with it— good or bad— right or wrong. It doesn’t matter.” Blue Lives is an extension of the police. It’s all one big gang, and as long as Kyle’s attorneys make an argument in favor of self-defense, there is plenty of jurisprudence and caselaw to come down on either side of the argument. Ultimately, it will be up to a jury. 

But That’s not justice, that is rule by gang affiliation. And which ever gang has the most members on the jury will prevail. Honestly, this dude could’ve emptied every round in his gun and killed every single person in the crowd. It’s still just comes down to gang affiliation as far as that jury is concerned.

The defense will say there were other folks firing guns. True. But Kyle shot Joseph Rosenbaum for throwing a plastic bag— not a molotov cocktail. He shot him over a plastic bag— not the other guns going off. He didn’t shoot him for having sex with a 17 year old. That shit’s a red herring. He killed someone.

By conservative logic, does this mean if we go to Burger King, and I overthrow my bag at the trashcan, you can shoot me dead? I sure hope not.

I wasn’t there— so maybe something will change— but Prosecutors say Rosenbaum was shot in the dick, the back, left hand, the left thigh and the right side of his forehead.

Online, the conservatives have started spreading the memes with slogans like “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” Conservatives come to the conclusion that blowing this guy’s arms to bits was righteous because he must’ve been a dirty communist. Think about that. People have so lost their humanity, that rather than feel compassion for a man who just lost the use of his arm, these assholes have decided that he deserved it, because he attended a protest. 

So it doesn’t matter if you’re there as a medic or a photographer or whatever. There is no legitimate reason to be at protests in their mind— except to kill commies— which they believe was Rittenhouse’s purpose. They’re probably not wrong about his twisted intentions— but that shit was supposed to have died in the fifties.

Unfortunately it’s live and well. All I hear about at these rallies now is socialism and Marxism.
But All that the Lefties wanted was for Bernie Sanders to give them health-care, not for Stalin to murder your family or turn your husband gay. And if there was an extremely small minority who did want to turn your husband gay— get over it. Now his outfits won’t look like an American bison fucked an American flag.
Which brings me to my next point. Lauren and Embry and I went to a Trump rally on Friday… Predictably, they screamed at us that we were socialists and all in for Biden— which doesn’t even make sense— since Biden is not a socialist as far as I can tell—and we kept telling them we hate Biden. We got zucked again— so some of the video is pretty low quality— and so I’m just going to show you five minutes— but you’ll get the idea.


So— there you have it—
This is years of American exceptionalism propaganda run amuck— on both sides. We live in a corporate oligarchy, and the job of a successful politician on this day and age need to put on a fucking clown show. 

Trump came along with his jugglers and clowns to put on a show and make America great again. PT Barnum couldn’t have done it better himself.
And so What period of greatness are we going back to? The 1950s.
Through the 80s 90s and 2000s there were at least a half dozen ideas that conservatives were allowed to have.
America is great. Red meat is delicious, Hippies are dirty. 
The moon landing was staged. 9-11 was an inside job. And the Earth is flat.
Now, it’s simply been condensed to all lefties are communists and killing a commie aint murder— it’s heroic.

So in their minds, Bernie Sanders and his healthcare are the dirty communist hoard trying to murder your dick—
AND it justifies random 17 year olds just shooting people in the street. 
Because someone had to have the balls. Someone had to have the patriotism. 
Someone had to be the embodiment of Ted Nugent when Ted Nugent couldn’t be there— Am I rite?

But here’s the problem— the 1956 Republican party platform was
protect social security
strengthen labor laws so you can join a union
provide asylum for refugesss
extend minim wage
improve unemployment
provide federal assistance for low income communities
assure equal pay for work regardless of gender

You see— it’s all a fantasy. Like my daddy was the strongest man on earth… and my mother was the most beautiful… and Jesus is white and has magic powers. And this country wasn’t built on slaves… and this iPhone didn’t come from a sweatshop in the Philippines…. and I have a perfect body, and a perfect mind… and redmeat is American, and not all filled with maggots. … and fossil fuel will last forever and eventually be used as a dietary supplement for maintaining erections and all-around virility for both women and men. And it is safe to build a nuclear power plant in your backyard, because there are never tsunamis or earthquakes— and that glowing green ooze gives me mutant powers. .. and we will live forever in a land full of milk and honey with the streets paved in gold coins with Donald Trump‘s face on them…



So, President Mango had another ridiculous victory rally in Londonderry New Hampshire. With Lauren Pespisa, Embry Galen and Anthony Petrovich, we headed to the shitshow with a giant dick (carried by Embry) and signs saying “Trump Flew Lolita Express” and “Trump is a Pedo” and things of that nature. Lauren and I wore our “Epstien Didn’t Kill Himself” t-shirts, and we let nature take it’s course.

As usual, it proved that Trumpers don’t care about law and order, or the first amendment, or anyone who has a thought not in line with what Fox News has told them to think.

So, as King Cheeto gave his speech about Protesters eating ass, his supporters punched me and choked Lauren for holding signs.

Law & Order? Nah.

Free Speech? Nah.

Most of the video was shot by Anthony– so a big shout out to him!!!

Thx Lauren & Embry & Anthony!



Rayla Cambell is a lot of things– but a politician, she is not. That came through crystal clear as she rallied for Donald Trump and Smurf Lives on a little patch of land down the middle of Morrisey Blvd in Dorchester, MA yesterday. And it’s not because she isn’t willing to sell out. She loves selling herself to Super Happy Fun America, and all the other local Blue Lives fashy-ionistas. She was selling out in Wilmington this Sunday and stood by as her Trump friends attacked me and tore my iPhone from my hands– in plain sight of the police. Rayla will just never be a politician because just doesn’t have the inner-calm.

A smattering of her followers came out holding “Blue Lives Matter” signs, as she waved her Trump flag. Some of these chuds even chanted, “Rayla, Rayla.”

Of course, I showed up with a giant “Trump Dick” promoting “Dicks For Trump.” And before long, Rayla walked up to me, and I asked, “are you Rayla Campbell– can I get an interview.” She then proceeded to get in my face screaming at me while screaming for me to get out of her face.

When I inquired to one of her fans why she supports Rayla, the fan responded, “We like the values she stands for.”

I followed up, “what does she stand for?”

“Anti-democratic exploitation and lies.”

I asked what that meant, and she replied, “It means not exploiting black people into thinking they’re oppressed. And they start trouble and put the world in disarray.”

Ernst Jean-Jacques Jr., who was there counter-protesting chimed in, “we don’t think we’re oppressed, we know we’re oppressed. Rayla Campbell does not like black people, y’all.” (Both Ernst and Rayla are black.)

More of the usual bullshit happened. A Karen complains. Cops predictably don’t care about the rule of law… Trump supporters pull up in their car and tell Ernst, “go burn your neighborhood down.”

Of course, Ernst followed up to invite people to a community clean-up for Saturday, going counter to the Trumper’s “blacks burn their neighborhoods” narrative.

This is their bullshit. Have yourself a laugh!

Venmo: RodWebber


Do you have fallopian tubes? A uterus?
Do you have lady bits, girly parts, mammaries or other feminine proclivities— a vagina?
If so, the DNC wants to let you know that you can go fuck yourself.
Are you part of a union, an HVAC golf league, a pipe-fitters bridge club? Are workers’ rights something which interest you, or play a part in your life? Are you of the belief that the workplace should not be a dystopian hell scape filled with falling rafters, angry boulders and killer murder hornets living in the water cooler?

If so, the DNC wants you to know that you can go fuck yourself.
Do you enjoy pollution free air, clean drinking water and a world without toxic nuclear sludge oozing through the cracks in your children’s walls? Do you believe that is important to keep our environment clean, not just for ourselves, but our children and their children and generations to come? Do you think that maybe it’s not a bad idea to get off of fossil fuel and install solar panels— if you can afford them? Or even if you can’t… Well, if these are things of importance to you, well then the DNC wants you to know you can go fuck yourself.

What I am referring to of course, is the DNC have been having their little convention via zoom or Skype, for which they invited John Kasich, who they pre-recorded a bit with him standing at a crossroads. They even let this asshole use his screen-time to tell the audience the tired trope that the Republicans were the party of Lincoln. And then he lays on this shit about Joe Biden representing the hopes and dreams of the common man and the common woman.

This is John Kasich— rat scum Union busting anti-women’s rights— anti-solar panels anti-rationality candidate from 2016. He presents like a moderate, but wants to cut social security and passed one of the craziest anti-abortion laws in the history of the country— forcing women to become unwilling concubines to carry to term human/ pig chimeras which Kasich himself has sired. That last part may not be true— but it feels true— There was a story in The Journal Cell about how human stem cells were injected into early-stage pig embryos. What happened? More than 2,000 hybrids were plonked over to surrogate sows. More than 150 of the so-called embryos grew into chimeras that were mainly pig, but with a little itty bitty specks of human— at around one in 10,000 cells.
The human-pig embryos were allowed to develop for 28 days which is the first trimester of a pig pregnancy. Look it up.
I’m not giving Dr. Frankenstein a pass.

I know what some of you are thinking— I thought John Kasich is Rod’s buddy. Look— It’s true, that during my trolling activities in 2016, I sang David Bowie‘s Space Oddity with John on a number of occasions. I even got branded as John’s “troubadour” by the Wall Street Journal. But, I stand by my pledge to kick John in the dick whenever I can. And so, let me explain.

For the uninitiated, I spent much of the 2016 election cycle getting in the good graces of Jeb Bush to afford myself the opportunity for public shenanigans on stage with the younger brother of one of the most powerful despots in recent history. Jeb is of course the brother of George W. Bush— son of George HW Bush, heir to the legacy of Prescott Bush of Brown Brothers Harriman and Union Banking Corporation— war profiteers who made money off of the nazis, and who had their assets seized under the Trading with the Enemy act. They even dug up documents from the [National] Archives showing that the Bushes and Harrimans transported valuable U.S. assets, including  coal, steel, gold, Treasury bonds and war bonds, to their foreign buddies in Europe as Hitler was getting ready for his 1939 invasion of Poland. Good times. Am I right?

When I discovered how easy that was to get in the good graces of the Bushes, I started showing up at Kasich’s rallies and doing the same. I realized that as long as you play to their sensibilities, these guys are just looking to make headlines— anything to put their face in the spotlight, so they can be talked about for a few more news cycles. I was straight up showing up to these things with a ZZ top beard full of flowers. Weird looking dude— give him a microphone. Let’s see what happens.

After a couple Bowie sing-alongs with Kasich, he invited me to sing the Beatles, “Here Comes The Sun,” at one of his events. Naturally, I took the opportunity to reword the lyrics into a song about global warming. Knowing that part of his schtick was to talk trash about solar panels, I waited for that moment. He repeated the line I had heard so many times before—, “you know — the idea of solar panels is great, the problem is when the sun goes down you ain’t got no power.” Ha ha ha.
So… That’s John‘s position on clean energy… And this is who they’re giving stage time at the DNC. I know solar has got plenty of its own problems— but that’s not what this is about.

I’m just saying: knowing the Democrats are merely Republican light, we really shouldn’t be surprised. Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris— full-on bacon mafia— in the age of ACAB and Fuck 12. Why not get Steven Seagal in your cabinet— you can turn your campaign into a reality show about Kamala and Steve breaking into houses and killing innocent black folks while pretending to be the Sherriff of Nottingham, all dressed up in their Back the Blue clown outfits. Maybe even Steven Seagal could do jujitsu on the parents of the truant children that Kamala locked up. Biden’s choice of Kamala was clearly to send a FUCK YOU to anyone who supported Sanders— who by the way, also sold everyone out by approving of the stimulus bailout.

While we’re on the topic of arresting people— I should note that when Kasich decided I was no longer of any use as his useful fool— he started to just walk by and ignore me. Eventually, he had his Dirty Harry Doughnut Brigade detain me and threaten to arrest me. So that was the end of that puppet show. Fuck John Kasich. Anti-solar— anti-women’s rights, union busting dick cheese.

For all you full-blooded anarchists out there who want to complain that I too am a bootlicker because I give a fuck about environmental regulations— suggesting the State should do something about it— I would suggest you read Herbert Read’s 1941 essay, “The Paradox of Anarchism.” One can be opposed to the concept of the State— however, as a tactic, use the State to work toward the greater good.

Even Murray Rothbard, the Great Grand-Daddy of modern right-libertarianism opined in “For a New Liberty,”

“The vital fact about air pollution is that the polluter sends unwanted and unbidden pollutants—from smoke to nuclear fallout to sulfur oxides—through the air and into the lungs of innocent victims, as well as onto their material property. All such emanations which injure person or property constitute aggression against the private property of the victims. Air pollution, after all, is just as much aggression as committing arson against another’s property or injuring him physically. Air pollution that injures others is aggression pure and simple.”

That’s the king of the right-wing Libertarians telling you that John Kasich is a piece of shit for being anti-environment. And what this should tell you is that the DNC is actually to the right of Murray fucking Rothbard.

What I find to be most amusing about this ridiculous situation is that even progressives are bitching and moaning that they invited John Kasich to the DNC, and then Kasich— proceeded to badmouth AOC. Of course he did. But that’s not the funny part. The funny part is that AOC is just as complicit as everyone else in these hallowed halls of government in signing off on this ridiculous stimulus pandemic package. THE CARES ACT!! Because we care!!

Do you think they’re going to have a discussion at the DNC about the looming evictions on the horizon, or what we’re going to do about it? Of course not— because they signed off on this plan. Kill everyone’s jobs— then give some of the people— not people like me— but give some of them 1200 bucks and claim everything’s fine. Then give the billionaires a trillion bucks. They’re not gonna talk about that. And if you’re one of those people who is no longer allowed to work but gets no stimulus money at all— that must really suck. Oh yeah— I’m one of those people. They ain’t talking about that.

So fuck AOC… and fuck John Kasich— And of course donate to my patreon, or send me dump trucks full of cash. 

Let corruption rule the day. — Let’s see what crimes they can get away. 
Let’s all gouge out of all our eyes — until our brain cells fry — I am a shill until I die. Fuck all of these assholes. Fuck them all day and night, every day and every night.

AOC isn’t a progressive. She isn’t for the people. She may have fooled herself into believing that she is, because when she did her freshman tour around Washington, Nancy Pelosi showed her the ropes and said, “listen little girl— this is how shit gets done. Do what I say and you will keep your seat. Keep your seat and you may be able to affect change. If you wanna effect change, you are sucking my dick all day and all night every day and every night.”

But Kamala Harris is Queen of the Blueberry Muffin Bluebloods— And—So what— Cops are a gang— and so are the house and the senate.

The problem is, with that kind of mentality you’re not gonna affect any change. The house and the Senate are a Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, sucking the blood of the American people through your little pincers. They are looters in a riot— A riot they started!

The proverbial dick the Democrats are sucking on— a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi’s dick— is beholden to Wall Street, and corporate money which runs the whole damn thing— and each time you backpeddle on doing the work of the people, you are letting the corporate agenda do it’s thing… and like boiling frogs, our blood slowly fills with air and bubbles our faces melt off and our dicks fall into the pit of eternal sadness…
Corrupt me to my bone. Corrupt me to my bone 

And we’ll all swarm around a big stack of cash 
Push our lies until the system crash 
until then it’s a birthday bash
And we’ll all have big stacks of cash

Wanna know something else that they’re not going to talk about at the DNC?
Whether America deserves to be taken over by jihadists… That’s a question on all young Republican minds. That and how deep they can get Donald Trump’s boot to stick down the back of their throat. 

But, let’s be real,… We need the military industrial complex. If these neo-liberal hacks hadn’t partnered with the Bushes and we weren’t destabilizing brown-skinned nations all across the world in order to facilitate regime change how could the mega corporations in bed with our politicians set up little puppet governments to enrich their own wallets? … which of course, trickles down to us here in America in the form of duel level microwave ovens, cheap pornography, and a prison population unchallenged in size by any nation in the world. The United States has 5% of the world’s population, and 25% of the world’s prisoners. 

While we’re on it— Mass surveillance—That’s a plus too. Now that we know each other’s thoughts, we know that you all are a bunch of boring-ass motherfuckers— with your six minute abs and sitting at home in chat rooms while jerking off and playing Grand Theft Auto or some other fake ass video game version of reality to pass some time before your loveless marriage with shitty children and a grave which will be bulldozed to make way for the virtual reality holodecks.

Fuck your six minute abs and your lifeless life of saccharine and artifice— we were given the chance to live. Instead of the six minute abs— Let’s pick up a six pack of wild turkey and infiltrate a confederate flag rally. Dose those motherfuckers with acid till they go on an inner journey so dark and twisted that they see the error of their ways, and their Confederate Gramm-pappies haunt them in their dreams for being such pieces of shit. That’s what they need to be talking about at this DNC.

If you’re sick of staying at home and phone banking for candidates you don’t give a fuck about you, then don’t give them your time— and don’t give them you vote. Fuck em. 

If you don’t know what to do with your life and you’re sick of cleaning the counter and packaging garbage into reynolds wrap which you then pack into Ziploc storage bags to get your anal retentive tendencies out— then get out of the fucking house and do something spontaneous. Get down on one of these back the blue rallies and give them a piece of your mind… Defund the police. ACAB. If that is too extreme for your thinking— push the delivery of your rhetoric toward demanding reform of US police departments, and ending qualified immunity.

If you aren’t with the blind mole rats reporting this as gospel, then you ain’t shit.

But listen, they are showing us who they are. It’s a big club, and aside from the social issues which they usually campaign on, the two parties are united in this endeavor of global domination. John Kasich loves Joe Biden— who is a neo-liberal turd— author of the patriot act. Architect of the Crime Bill. A monster, working hand in glove with the republican party.

Even John Bolton, the Kentucky Fried Grim reaper loves Joe Biden. You know, John Bolton… Dude with the big white mustache… Like Wilford Brimley if he was a serial killer. You don’t get much more Republican than that dude… But somehow he is ridin’ with Biden. He hasn’t given his official endorsement… But it’s coming. You’ll see.

Also— Bill Clinton— much like Donald Trump rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Pedophile express. Clinton de-regualted the banks, ended welfare as we know it, presided over war-crimes in Bosnia Herzegovina— and who was photographed getting massaged by one of Epstein’s victims. They invited this guy too.

In general, uniting is a good thing. I just don’t know about uniting behind death and destruction. And that’s what this is looking like to me.


That was the mega-cut of the “Back the Blue and Trump Too” rally in Wilmington, MA this passed Sunday.
I showed up with a giant dick that said “Trump” on it– and it seems quite appropriate to me.
“Blue lives” aren’t a thing– and these MAGA chuds were shown to be the hypocrites they truly are. They say they are for law and order. The reality is, there were constant threats of violence– especially how they would beat me if there weren’t police around. Let that sink in. Assholes at a “back the blue” rally, (who claim to be all about law and order), wanted to let me know how they’d kill me if there were no police. So, basically they’re licking those cops boots so they get extra-special powers of lawlessness. That’s what it’s about.

So, for carrying around a Trump dick, I got assaulted, battered, pushed in the bushes, jumped on, had a phone swatted out of my hand, had a phone stolen, and had my property destroyed– all within clear sight of the Wilmington, MA police. The phone was worth about a thousand dollars– and if Covid wasn’t going on, that wouldn’t be a big deal. However, the video industry has gone down to about zero, and I don’t get any Stimulus bucks.

One of my friends opined, “What was the point of doing this? I’m guessing- to prove what assholes Trump supporters can be when someone walks in to their little soirée carrying a big cock with Trump’s name on it. Or how yelling ‘fuck you’ at the cops will probably get you arrested. Just curious. Because it looks to me like you instigated all of it.”

Well, my response to that is: Trump and his supporters claim to be for law and order. They claim to be for free speech. They claim to be for freedom and Liberty. They claim to be for the little guy. We all know they are not. But when there are four rallies per day going on in Massachusetts, someone needs to say, “this is bullshit.”

A number of friends asked why I didn’t fight back.

My response to that is FIRST: I was outnumbered 300 to one. But unlike the movie or the story of the Battle of Thermopylae, I didn’t have a crew or a wingman or anyone to help me corner them so by buddies could clobber them over the head with a spear. So that wasn’t an option. Furthermore, Total non-violence shows them for who they really are. If I were to fight back (even though legally and morally it would be my right), it might create a gray area, in which they could argue that somehow I was the aggressor. By using only words, and expressing my first amendment rights, it shows that these people do not care about the rule of law, nor the constitution, and that they only care about themselves, and whatever preferential treatment they might get for putting a blue lives matter sticker on the back of their car.

Trump and his supporters claim to love the law. They claim to be for free speech. They claim to be for freedom and the little guy. We all know they are not. But when there are four sweet and sour pork rallies per day going on in Massachusetts, someone needs to say, “this is bullshit.” The first amendment demands that even the shittiest, lewdest, most awful speech must be permitted— especially the kind that is critical of those in power. If the Larry Flint case didn’t hammer that point home— then what are we doing here? Has no one learned anything?

Facebook didn’t just take down a bunch of Q-Anon bullshit yesterday— they Deleted a bunch of lefty pages like Its Going Down News Crimethinc, Tacticool Girlfriend, Seattle Solidarity and Direct Action, Northern Michigan Mutual Aid and hundreds more.

If we lose the right to protest— no matter the message— we’re in big big trouble. None of what I said to any of the cops would’ve needed to be said if they just did their job. They don’t care about doing their jobs. In light of all that is going on in the world, don’t you think it is more important than ever to challenge these lawless Blue Lives Gangsters for being gangsters and not community servants?

I regularly see known fashes from Resist Marxism/ Super Happy Fun America at these Back the Blue rallies… and the fact that we have to repeat those names adds to the surreality of it all. The local antifash groups don’t feel these BLUE LIVES rallies “qualify” as fascist— so they don’t come out. And honestly— if DSA doesn’t post something about it, who cares? Right. Look the other way!! Run away!!

As I’ve argued many times before— Walmart and Amazon are more Fascist than any Proudboy— The DNC is a thousand times more Fascist than Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer circle jerks. Yet— you still all buy into it.

Further, I would say when the two men in the “lead” for president, (Biden and Trump), both have credible allegations of rape against them, it seems to me that this is the perfect visual to convey Trump’s infidelity through the use of Giant dicks that say Trump on them.
As George Bernard Shaw or Oscar Wilde said, “If you’re going to tell the truth, make ’em laugh or they’ll kill you.”

Venmo, CashApp: RodWebber

Here is the phone thief. DM me on twitter if you have any info. @RodWebber


Here’s the mega-cut of the “Back the Blue and Trump Too” rally in Wilmington, MA on August 16, 2020.

I showed up with a giant dick that said “Trump” on it– and it seems quite appropriate to me.

“Blue lives” aren’t a thing– and these MAGA chuds were shown to be the hypocrites they truly are. They say they are for law and order. The reality is, there were constant threats of violence– especially how they would beat me if there weren’t police around. Let that sink in. Assholes at a “back the blue” rally wanted to let me know how they’d kill me if there were no police. So, basically they’re licking those cops boots so they get extra-special powers of lawlessness. That’s what it’s about.

So, for carrying around a Trump dick, I got assaulted, battered, pushed in the bushes, jumped on, had a phone swatted out of my hand, had a phone stolen, and had my property destroyed– all within clear sight of the Wilmington, MA police. The phone was worth about a thousand dollars– and if Covid wasn’t going on, that wouldn’t be a big deal. However, the video industry has gone down to about zero, and I don’t get any Stimulus bucks.

One of my friends opined, “What was the point of doing this? I’m guessing- to prove what ass holes Trump supporters can be when someone walks in to their little soirée carrying a big cock with Trump’s name on it. Or how yelling ‘fuck you’ at the cops will probably get you arrested. Just curious. Because it looks to me like you instigated all of it.”

Well, Trump and his supporters claim to be for law and order. They claim to be for free speech. They claim to be for freedom and Liberty. They claim to be for the little guy. We all know they are not. But when there are four rallies per day going on in Massachusetts, someone needs to say, “this is bullshit.” I went there to express my first amendment right to carry a sign. Nothing else. If we lose the right to protest— no matter the message— we’re in big big trouble. None of what I said to any of the cops would’ve needed to be said if they just did their job. They don’t care about doing their jobs. In light of all that is going on in the world, don’t you think it is more important than ever to challenge these lawless Blue Lives Gangsters for being gangsters and not community servants? Someone needs to give pushback.

Further, I would say when the two men in the “lead” for president, (Biden and Trump), both have credible allegations of rape against them, it seems to me that this is the perfect visual to convey Trump’s infidelity– without getting graphic.

As George Bernard Shaw or Oscar Wilde said, “If you’re going to tell the truth, make ’em laugh or they’ll kill you.”

***UPDATE BELOW. (Scroll past the tweets.)

Venmo, CashApp: RodWebber

Here is the phone thief. DM me on twitter if you have any info. @RodWebber


*** UPDATE: They had another rally on Wednesday, August 19, which I attended with Lauren Pespisa and Gregg Housh. Predictably were treated as lepers. We brought fliers with the woman’s photo and tried to pass them around, but they said things like “you deserved it,” suggesting that they do not believe in the rule of law. Of course, we already knew this. They only believe in extra privileges for themselves for having a blue lives sticker on their car.

Lauren did conduct an interesting interview with State Rep David Robertson though.

Lies, lies and lawyer lies

Wow. Just got out of a court hearing with lawyers from the Trump Campaign and the Manchester New Hampshire Police. My god— is our justice system completely and totally hopelessly corrupt? 

I think you may see where I’m going with this… 

Yes. Yes it is. Fuck these pigs. fuck this system. fuck these low energy, low intelligence high book learning, paper pushing, policy wonk, bootlicking motherfuckers.

That’s what the court is. Paper pushing policy wonk motherfuckers— Who have woven an elaborate web of lies, deceit and human excrement, with the turds threaded like popcorn through garlands hanging from a Christmas tree— and if that entire Christmas tree covered in lies deceit and human excrement was jammed up your fucking ass.

These yes-man motherfuckers are hired for the sole purpose of miscarrying justice, and to suck you dry like a fucking tick. We all know why they do it, but let me tell you HOW they do it. 

You see, when a crime is committed by a cop or former FBI agent/ Trump staffer as was committed on me—
Assault and battery in my case—
, they arrest you, fuck with you, and treat you as if you are the criminal… At which point you’ve gotta hire yourself a lawyer to prove your innocence— or hold your hand to the gallows, whichever is more financially feasible.

Once that is done— 
At least in my case—
I filed a civil lawsuit in federal court, at which point I became what is called a pro se plaintiff— 

and, believe it or not, they will let you prosecute the police, and Trump— and all those assholes. That’s exactly what I did.

I’ve litigated as an attorney through 177 filings. And that’s all just fine and dandy. 
I’ve learned so much about the federal rules of civil procedure. I’ve learned about the minutia of respondeat superior and alter ego doctrine. I’ve learned that Donald Trump has two companies called the Trump organization that both have nearly identical names… One has a THE at the begging, and the other has an inc at the end. 
Legal loopholes. Worm shit. The stuff of Tony Soprana and wannabe gangsters.


But we all knew this

If you’re not getting the picture here— It is done to shield King Mango from lawsuits.
potential filers put in all the paperwork… Only to have the court respond:
fuck you, you served the wrong asshole.

Get this— in my case, Donald Trump use the US parcel service to re-route mail from Trump Tower to a shell company called Trump for America, to some goddamn warehouse in Washington DC, claiming that he never received the paperwork. That’s what is known as obstruction of process, which is obstruction of justice, and tampering with the US Postal Service is a federal crime.

Luckily, the USPS tracked the delivery. Additionally I was able to obtain a 4000 page FOIA request which showed internal White House emails instructing employees at Trump Tower to commit the crime. I filed the paperwork with the court, and Trump was not able to wriggle out of that particular situation. Of course, I was like Paul Revere Screaming from the rooftops— but no one cared.

Oh. Trump is tampering with the USPS to rig the election you say? too bad you didn’t listen to me in 2019, fuckwad.

I won’t bore you with the gory details of the lawsuit— You wanted to know HOW they do it…

they do it by lying!

Lawyers are encouraged to lie. They are incentivized to lie. So they lie and they lie and they lie—- they base their lies on the lies the cops lied. The cops lie on the street, they lie in the arrest and they lie in a court.

and with these lies— the lawyers accumulate Big dump trucks of money, in order to hire more lawyers to tell more lies, so they can justify their existence and pay off cronies, who in turn, use their influence to increase the budget of the police department, so they can arrest more people based on lies, to raise more money to tell more lies.

and when you think that there’s nothing more to lie about, they hire a court stenographer to record other people lying. They create affidavit upon affidavit to make a written record of their lies. Then, they write lies based on this new set of lies, and throw in a pinch of old caselaw to make it seem like they’re not just lying.

Hey, if it was in the Magna Carta, it must mean justice! Am I right?

This, elaborate system of lies is of course based upon the infrastructure of deceit and human excrement which they use to decorate fucking Christmas tree— or at least for the sake of this metaphor. 

To review… We’re all fucked.

New here? And don’t know what I’m about?
Fuck 12, fuck the police, fuck the courts.

I’ve been arrested 8 times since Trump started running. I’ve been raided by the FBI, ICE and Homeland Security. I was kidnapped by black-bag style mercenaries at Standing Rock. Each and every single incident has been caught on video. Each time, it is clear that they are lying pieces of shit, not concerned with the rule of law, but doing the bidding of their overlords, and to intimidate the press. 

I’ve seen cops perform needless arrests so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve seen them launch tear-gas canisters at unarmed civilians, point a loaded AR-15 at a crowd with their hands up. I’ve seen them rip a man out of his car, and pull him to the ground so they could steal the car. 

I’ve seen cops in unmarked vans do a drive-by, throwing open the sliding door to fire munitions at us. I have choked down so much teargas, I’m fucking immune. I sprinkle the cyanide residue on my Wheaties in the morning.

Just to make a point, when there is an incident, I file a police report. I do it all the time. ONCE, (that I can think of), have they ever actually carried out an investigation.

If you think I’m going hard on Biden or Harris– think again– I get to see firsthand these kind of cop/ politician assholes tell lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie– to the court, mind you.

So… you have a friend who is a cop– and he’s a nice guy? I guarantee it’s because you are not in conflict with him. But if one of his co-workers puts his neck on the next George Floyd? That thin-blue line means that your buddy will very, very likely have the back of his murdering colleague. 

Cops are a gang. Don’t forget it. 

I deal with these assholes day in and day out.

Kamala Harris bragged that she was “the top cop.”

Biden is completely out of touch with what’s going on in the activist world. I am not alone in this thinking. His out-of-touch Kamala pick has ensured a Trump win.

Wanna make the lesser of two evils argument, wherein you choose evil?

there are roughly 1100 people running for President— and Nothing substantive will change, until people realize the CIA and the military industrial complex, in tandem with the mega corporations that funds things are the ones who are really in charge. They are lies so shady you didn’t know there was any lying going on. You actually got out and waved the flag or put on the “I voted” pin.

Wake up.

It’s all a fucking pack of lies.

Fuck Fox News: Why Democracy has failed and cash is government.

Why Democracy has failed… Cash is government… A FOX NEWS transparency statement.Having learned to become a pro-se lawyer, and having spent the past two years fighting the Trump Campaign, (and associates), in court, to the extent that my case is moving into discovery, I know how to write a legal memo. So, when I found out Fox News fraudulently doctored one of my videos, I wrote them a stern legal memo.

If you are unfamiliar with the controversy in question, during a live-stream of the Portland protests, there were a group of kids, (accompanied by adults), carrying signs that read, “Fuck The Police,” (and similar slogans). Soon after, it came to my attention that right-wing lie peddler Andy Ngo had appeared to have ripped the video, taking off my watermark, posting it to his sock account “Brittany31,” and piggy-backing off of that. Andy’s doctored version of my video was retweeted by Senators, Governors and the dimwit President’s son. Dozens of articles were written, all with their re-purposed pro-cop, bootlicking agenda.

Shortly after that, Fox News reached out to me for permission to use the clip on Ingraham Angle. I responded, “Fuck Fox News,” which was a clear denial to use said clip. Their request was a clear acknowledgment that they knew the video belonged to me— (which is not surprising, since they have a lovely relationship with Andy). Even still— they went ahead and used the clip— and took the extra step of watermarking a credit to “Brittany31” over my video. This is where it is no longer a question of fair use— and a clear act of fraud.

Well, within an hour of sending the brief to Fox’s legal team, they were on the phone.

The problem is that when crimes like this are committed, the cops aren’t going to show up at Fox News and arrest Laura Ingraham. You have to sue— and many legal scholars describe this process as coming to an agreement as to the monetary value for committing a crime. There is no justice— only payoffs. Cash is government. And under global capitalism, companies like Fox News have more money than God and can do what they want. They will run down your bank account with legal fees and hold you up in court— which is exactly what Trump has done to me.

When I have had private discussions about these things with friends, (who aren’t in the legal profession), they shout, “fuck ‘em in the ass,” and “burn those fuckers down!” Nothing would make me more pleased. But as previously noted, I have been in court for a solid two years on an assault and battery case from FIVE YEARS ago. That’s already cost me thousands of dollars— and every waking hour of 2019— which was terrible for my health— and I could still end up losing because of a bullshit judgement— which happens all the time. This is all to say, I know all too well what the negotiation process is like— and I also know that I don’t have the time to be a pro-se lawyer on more than one case at a time.

So, I decided to listen to what Fox News had to say when they got on the phone. They offered me $5,000.00.

That’s basically the equivalent of an attorney retainer fee— and they know it.

With a legal team behind me, maybe I could pull $100k out of them. Who knows? But it was never about money— and this is the slippery slope. There’s no justice— just compensation. The video audio/visual industry has been destroyed because of Covid— so I have no source of income. I have received ZERO Covid bucks.

I’ve done everything in my power to fight the power… The best I could do was draft this letter, which I sent to Fox to make it clear that what the settlement would mean, if I take it:

“Fox News/ Ingraham Angle agrees to pay Roderick Webber $5,000.00 for the airing of Webber’s “Fuck the Police” video which Webber created on July 22nd, 2020 and which Webber denied permission to Ingraham Angle/ Fox News for use, and which Ingraham Angle nonetheless used shortly thereafter in a fraudulent manner.

This compensatory payment is for the single use of the video which Ingraham Angle made for that one episode of the show. Webber is not authorizing future use of the work, nor is he giving up his copyright claim to his own work.

As noted previously, Ingraham Angle/ Fox News clearly used the clip against Webber’s wishes, fraudulently giving credit to a person or entity, (Brittany31, likely a sock account of Andy Ngo), who had no part in the production of the video— a fact which Ingraham Angle was aware of before broadcasting.

The $5,000.00 compensation is an acknowledgement of wrong-doing, and should not be viewed as authorization for Ingraham Angle or Fox News to use the clip in future productions of any Ingraham Angle episodes or other Fox News programs.”

I don’t like this at all. It’s a goddam ugly slippery slope. If there are any lawyers who want to help fight, or financiers who would like to purchase the clip and take on the fight yourself— I am open to suggestions. But, barring that— this is sadly how our system works. Money has become speech… And as a result, I don’t see how I can continue to do my work with the economy as it is. Shit is going down folks. If you have the means to support, I set up a Patreon- something I said I’d never do.

Depending on the response to this transparency notice we’ll see how I respond to Fox.See you in the apocalypse!



Dating for Accelerationists

So— Lauren says I’ve become nihilistic. Or, my talk the other night was nihilistic. The word she was looking for was Anaxiphilia or Anaxiphilic. Maybe someone will look it up.

Without a doubt, she was an inspiration for some of the things I said— and she certainly has changed my thinking about a wide variety of things— thus prompting my chat by the lava lamp.

But I’m not a nihilist. If I was a nihilist, I’d say and do nothing at all— or shoot heroine and get on Tinder.
You wanna talk about nihilistic? How fucking dead inside do you have to be, that you get on an app in order to find intimacy with another human being? People are so disengaged with others right next to them, that you gotta fill out a questionnaire and send photos to determine who’s going to throw a dick in you.

That’s fucked up.

No wonder the world is devolving. if your ability to spend time at the gym determines who gets to reproduce— what’s the point in fighting for the future of humanity? We’ll be a planet of two kinds of people: TRAILER TRASH— and super-fit super-models who spend their days and nights sashaying down the runway and finger banging each other for sport.

That’s what you want? A planet of trailer parks and Zoolanders? Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for people getting their freak on (in a sexual sense)— people used to wave their freak flags— in the sense that they did shit with their lives that was interesting. As they say– I don’t wanna revolution if I can’t dance– but if you ain’t partying with a purpose, there will be no revolution!

Now, people perform for their friends on social media. Look— I’m doing it right now— but at least I’m here to talk about shit that I have done in real life.

But, I also guess it all depends on how you define “interesting.” At one time, if you wanted to meet other accelerationists, you had to go on a date with Tim Pool, or get your ass down to the local klan meeting. Now accelerationism is for both the right and the left— and you can find each other on Tinder—

So, I’ve gotta ask myself, what are the check boxes like that help you to determine a potential mate?

Let’s see.

Here I am on Tinder.
I’m a man. Age 500— because I’m a mutant. About me: I made some movies with fancy-pants Hollywood people— but now I make political documentaries in which I go undercover to troll powerful political figures such as Jeb Bush, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I am interested in someone interested in similar activities— Maybe someone who enjoys heckling bootlickers at Blue Lives Matter rallies.

Type, type, type. And send.

Golly. I am sure people will be sending me photos of their panties in no time!

But until those panties start rolling in— let’s look at some other profiles.

Woman. Age 32. Seeking man.

Hey! I’m a man!

Ooh— she’s got that meme where it says: Me at the beginning of 2020: She’s wearing a Bernie shirt. Part two is “Me at the end of 2020.” She’s got a big rifle and an anarchist t-shirt. And of course it’s one of those undercut things so you can see the bottom of her breasts.

Let’s see her description:
Former occupier. Once went on a date with Tim Pool. Was all in for Bernie Sanders, but Joe Biden wrote the Patriot Act and will doom us to an eternity of hellfire. Time to burn this shit down. Fuck 12. Fuck Blue Lives Matter. Viva La Revolucion.

Wow. This woman sounds perfect. Maybe I was wrong— and Tinder really is the answer.

Oh wait— there’s one last asterisk at the bottom of the page: She writes— You must have a bed with a bed frame. No Anarchists doing anarchist shit. I need my comfort— and when the revolution is over, I’m going to need a nice place to come home to. Please have a 401k, stock options and a two-car garage.

What a let down…

Mainly because I’ve secretly got all of those things— but her desire to have these comforts as opposed to the values she espouses is such a turn off.

Oh well.

Did any of you ever see the Trump Billboard banner drop I did in 2017?
Or maybe you saw the time I wrote Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself on the wall at Art Basel…
Or when I wrote EpSTAIN didn’t Kill Himself on Epstein’s West Palm Beach mansion.
There’s still an arrest warrant out for that.

Anyhow— the 2017 Trump banner drop was back when Donnie had forbidden the CDC to utter 7 words— not to be confused with George Carlin’s 7 banned words— shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits…

But the CDC words were: “science-based,” “evidence-based,” “transgender”, “diversity”, “vulnerable”, “entitlement” and “fetus.” Time Magazine got out some statistics. and as far as I can tell—President Cheeto’s ban was just some weird anti-science/ pro-jesus-juice virtue-signaling to Trump’s evangelicals. The fact that the CDC has played such a role in what’s going on with Covid, makes it even more fun.

But— the reason I bring it up is that it is no small feat that I make bad decisions on the level that I do. This is not just a strategy for driving away potential romantic partners— this is methodic bad-decision making, for the beautiful story of it all. And one day, the true mutants of the world will see what I’m doing and say, I wanna be a part of this!

The secret is simple. You schedule the stunt, you gather your materials. You get to the location. Take some drinks and pop some pills— and you are well on your way to carrying through with those bad decisions. Because how else are you going to climb up the scaffold to hang that Trump as Medusa banner?

I want to be clear— it’s not enough to be incompetent— You need to have a mind for bad decisions… Sobriety is not an option.

And your dick needs to be swinging so hard that when the Officer Dibble shows up, you’re like I’M FUCKING INVINCIBLE!!!

If Johnny Law tries to put a rusty nail through your dick, you just have to grin and take it.

And if you wanna call this NIHILISM— then so be it— but at least it’s NIHILISM WITH A PURPOSE.

And of course, there’s a whole lot of privilege going on in this scenario….
I AM USING MY PRIVILEGE TO STICK IT TO THE MAN as he sticks a nail in my dick

Meanwhile, the worms in their cubicles died a thousand little deaths as they waste their days pushing paper in the name of bullshit.

But today I went out and lived!!!!

I conquered Donald Trump and that motherfucking billboard— like I conquered Art Basel, and Epstein’s mansion— and I conquered Pete Buttigieg, and Joe Biden, and John Kasich and Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham. What the fuck have you done?
You turned beer into piss.
To be fair— I’ve done that too— but— what else??!!

If we’re all going to die, I want to die saying I stood up to the ravenous badgers with burning claws trying to scratch holes in my skull!!

Who wants to get out of there and live?!!!!

Don’t give me that probation shit.

I know— everyone’s on probation.

We’ve all had our wings clipped.

Now that I got that out of the way— I wanna just remind you:  The United States can no longer be described as a representative democracy. The US government is a riot in progress straight-up looting the American people for all they’re worth.

Evictions are looming— and roughly 28 million people and families are soon to be fucked. It’s like we can see a human meat grinder in the distance and Uncle Sam is just tossing person after person headfirst into the shredder. They are screaming and crying, and there’s blood squirting everywhere. Dexter is measuring the length of the blood splatter. It’s a regular human slaughterhouse with eyeballs popping out and severed dicks flying in your face. And we can see all this looming in the distance, but people are carrying on like business as usual. Like this isn’t three times worse than the 2008 economic crisis with 10 million people losing their homes and having their balls removed via guillotine.

Which brings me to my next point. I was reading the comments section from my little fireside chat from Thursday— and YouTube never seems to disappoint in regard to its ability to fill my comments with right wing space Maggot bullshit.

This is an entry by zezt zezter:
It has never ceased to amaze me, cause i did art school, and love psychedelics, YET I have found that those types in my experience online are totally played by what is going on! Let me try summarize: they don’t seem to get what is going on, which is? THAT eg the BLM protests are PLANNED BY the elite, the Cabal. The Cabal are the elite nto the occult, the Kabballah, and this is why you see the occult isgnatures all over their evil shit including their numbers.

For example this ‘pandemic’ is a fukin PLANNED SCAM demic, and is riddled , worldwide, with the number 33. They use that number all the fukin time (will give example below). WHY? Because they love to think they are gods and know secret shit the vast majority don’t so they will use it a) as a communication for those in the cluuuurb, that we are not in and b) as both a mindcontrol , like their usual propaganda, and also as a form of magicK (WITH A K) which they believe in Now see the so-called BLM protests are funded by the likes of billionire Soros, and HE is in their club, and they are working in tandam WITH the scam demic to bring about what they have previously planned in their 2010 ‘LOCKSTEP’ and 2019 ‘EVENT201” and is towards their Agenda 21/30 which is all about herding people into mega cities, and it becoming like China on fkin steroids! these sick fuks want more and more control over all all of us, REALLY, and nature. Viruses love the number 33 Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed 

That is some crazy shit— which maybe I’ll take some time to address in another one of my little chats by the lava lamp…But— I bring this up because if you look past this guy’s nutty reasoning, his overall premise is correct that this is a massive scam.

I don’t mean that I believe that centipedes are going to start crawling out of your ears whispering secrets from the Book of the Dead or some Freemason crap. But, our government is using the pandemic to make us all go broke, while enriching themselves. If that isn’t a scam of the highest proportions— then I don’t know what it. It’s the Biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the known world… Barring some kind of giant hollowed out ball of chocolate that you enter through the gates in Antarctica.
Let’s remember, the 1531 orontus phenius map shows Antarctica without ice and includes rivers and mountain ranges.

All that aside—

The US government are rioters looters and thieves. Rioters looters and thieves. Get that through your head. 

The US government are rioters looters and thieves— and they are burning down your house, your home, your family, and your community. 

How the fuck are you going to take your Rona money and and just stick it up your ass— excited to burn it up at the Applebees, now that they are open—

It’s as if you believe those checks will never end.
The streets are paved with milk and honey— and everything’s fine.

Well, take a look at someone like myself as a vision of the future.

Because I am a freelancer, I haven’t received a penny— not a single fucking penny from the stimulus package. And isn’t it just dandy to see some of you motherfuckers out there pontificating about getting hammered tonight.

Maybe this has added to my frustration.
The majority of the freelance employment which actually pays the bills comes through film and audio-visual gigs.

When covid hit— my PAYING GIGS went to ZERO. There are no jobs.

The closest thing I can call a job is live-streaming— and that’s because people have reached out to me to ask me to go out in the danger zones. And gladly, I did—
I was in the fires in Minneapolis, and at CHOP, and the protests in DC and New York. I have literally gone as far as I could go with whatever donations people have reached out to give me…

The point is— If Uncle Sam isn’t going to pony up some kind of universal basic income (TO ALL OF US) —requiring people not to work, then we should be getting back to work, pandemic or not. I mean— The US government CAN and SHOULD do UBI…

But they sold you out— and 1200 dollars won’t feed your family. The Democrats and Republicans have exploited this crisis making their friends billions, but leaving you with bills to pay.
The US jails journalists while dropping bombs on civilians. Armed militias take over our capitals, while black men are hunted like dogs in the street. Federal Agents shoot protesters in the face with tear gas canisters over nothing at all.

There is only one thing the elites care about any longer— feeding the monster. 

With a system so bloated, and overweight, you had better have a scrappy son of a bitch— Someone like Tiger King, with nothing to lose at the slop tray. The beneficiaries of the foul product regurgitated by the monster don’t want our best and brightest at the helm— the objective is to have someone willing to collect expired meat from Walmart to feed to the tigers to make more cubs, which draw the tourists which make the money which feeds the staff so they can help to bury the adult tigers in the back of the zoo when they have outlived their usefulness. 

Covid-19 has revealed America’s failed leadership to be a Ponzi scheme. They are determined to ruin us, and somehow we accept this is the only way.
The solution is simple: Demand UBI. Medicare for all. Bring home the troops and Hold police, politicians and bankers responsible for their crimes. 

Power gives nothing without a demand. So demand they do what’s right. don’t expect change by simply casting a vote.

Seriously— What are you going to do when the stimulus money runs out?



I should point out that I didn’t wanna do this.

I didn’t wanna be on WFNX when Swasey talked me into it back in the day— and I wasn’t so sure about Lauren encouraging me to come down to New Alliance— but she did. And what happened, happened.

I’m not a journalist. I’m not a DJ or a podcaster. I’m barely a musician or a filmmaker— at least by the standards of people that expect that I’ve gotta be raking in piles of money. I’m an artist. I went to art schools— RISD and the Museum School. My lawsuit against the Trump Campaign is like a performance art piece more than anything else. I thought it would be funny to learn to be a lawyer— I did. But there’s been nothing funny about it. Just endless headaches.

That said— I have battled a couple dozen lawyers for 177 motions in federal court— and the judge has allowed me to proceed against the Trump Campaign and a number of his associates on assault, battery false imprisonment fraud— and about a dozen civil rights violations. If the universe was just— someone from Trump’s law-firm has even been hired to watch through all of these videos to find shit like this to use against me. Fucking DARPA neuro-cortex communicator tin foil hat shit— but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Jackie Gleason’s wife claimed that Nixon took Gleason to see the alien bodies. It’s just a claim. It means nothing.

I’m just a guy who found himself in a strange place in a strange time, surrounded by space centipedes. Constantine’s vision before the Milvean bridge is one of the many historical events theorized to be an ET interaction. Again— meaningless. You can’t prove it. But, I have been told I have mutant powers of my own. It’s a rare thing what I do— and maybe there are others with radioactive octopus DNA surging through their blood. The problem is, there is no secret handshake— at least not that anyone has told me.

For a minute, I thought that Lauren was with us in the fight against the Spacemen.

but the fact that the US govt supposedly “lost” the tapes to the moon landing (the greatest achievement of mankind to that date), is highly suspicious. The funnest thing of all is that knowing that the US govt is prone to lying, it is not a credible scientific reporter. Even Noam concedes that MIT (his employer) is funded by the military industrial complex, and likely colors their findings. 

The thing is— as you may learn— there are some dangerous people out there with fucking strange plans for humanity— or so they’d like us to believe that.

I have put myself out there as someone willing to be a useful fool, as a means to convey some crazy stories. People want to tell me things.

And that’s what I was getting at on Thursday when I was talking about what goes on in the periphery.

There are things I can show you on a livestream— and then there’s what you see out of the corner of your eyes. Then there’s the things that people share with you when the cameras are off. And talking about some of it makes you come off sounding like a crazed conspiracy nut. So— I’m going to preface this once again by saying: Any of this DARPA targeted neuro-transmissions shit is just information I am being fed.

If you’re up for it— maybe later we’ll get into something called “the brain initiative.”

The fuck if I know.

But— I guess this is what the people want… so I’ll give it to them.
I don’t even think any of the stuff I said on the the little lava-lamp chat was particularly controversial. But I know some weird motherfuckers. I don’t know if they are government spooks, or just MK Ultra 2.0— but I’ve been keeping my mouth shut about a lot.

Basically because it’s goddamn unverifiable. This shit may as well be alien technology dropped in our laps by the space maggots.


This dude—

This dude who I’m going to tell you about has dropped me mountains upon mountains of DARPA leaks and manuals and shit I’m not sure if people are supposed to see. I still don’t truly understand all of it— but I thought maybe I’d just let you get a glimpse of the crazy, and we’ll learn about it together. Maybe he’ll even chime in on the livestream and explain some of this himself.

I’m going to call this guy MR TIM… for reasons which may make sense later.

DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency— a division of the DoD, otherwise known as the Department of Defense. Depending on whether or not you believe the various leaks floating around out there, there was a document from the DoD calling for the creation of Space Force in 2014— and I remember seeing it before Trump announced it.

It’s probably a bunch of LSD or whatever.

So, he’s given me a massive data dump which has probably put all kinds of spy software on my computer— and he wants me to check out something called the PAGE SIX Preface folder.
It’s about Auditory and visual cortex two-way communication. And it is driven on people and population running narratives. According to MR TIM— Agents are AI or IA

So— MR TIM says:
DARPA makes technology and then shelves it. Then they hire a private contractor to test it. It’s plausible deniability. The government can research to a degree— scrap it— let a private agency pick up their work, and then there is no oversight.

RW: And this is what I keep going on about with privatized tyranny. It is the problem with Republicans as well as the Libertarian party’s obsession with de-regulations.
The State is a menace— but precisely because the state is a menace is the reason that there must be regulations so that there is oversight. It is utterly paradoxical— but if shit is made by a private company— it’s private, and we’re done. We’re dirt. Eat a dick and goodnight.

MR TIM continues
At no point should you accuse DARPA of violating FAR human testing

Ok. Fair enough. But you see— he wants me to talk about this.

He continues:
I have tracked down the Private Contractors and started questioning them as well.
William Casebeer and Justin Sanchez, project leads have been moved since my talks with R&D Eddie Offermann of Facebook.
That was heading building 8 with Regina Dugan from DARPA.
She has ethics violations, and never should have been trusted on any neural security oversight.

Casebeer leaked attendance records of the first two years of meetings
and Individual testing is over – many people including myself (MR TIM) were part of that
The US Population is next— As the DSO file indicates.

So— what MR TIM is talking about is targeted neuro-transmissions. MR TIM, as well as a handful of other people I have met at protests have shared with me similar information— which of course is something I came across as far back as Texas in 2013. Supposedly, It’s like radio or microwaves they are able to fire into the neural cortex of your brain and make you hear voices, and do their bidding— the stuff of sci-fi novels and films.

I then tell MR TIM: I’m glad you’ve chosen me as the one to leak this Funtime information!

MR TIM SAYS: I chose a lot of people.

They connected combative and helpful agents into auditory cortex neural networks to see which people could reach symbiosis quicker with the agents (ai: is)— But it’s crazy talk – unless you experienced it.
Like showing iPhone 10 to someone in 1970
The Tragic thing is::: people who are targeted that don’t understand the tech.
They need to know – don’t listen to the voices.
So – having control over auditory and visual cortex gives control over the limbic system as well
Especially since no hardware is needed on the target or populations side.

MR TIM CONTINUES: A Paradigm shift is coming
So you can talk to your friend in your head – or order toilet paper on Amazon
Not so nefarious except in its early testing there are side effects like the bicameral mind.
What this means is early neural network connectivity to humans caused the left and right brain to think Independently.
The problem is that the long term effects are still not known

After Casebeer was moved off the project He started testing his own stuff in San Fransico/
Basically, you lose all critical thinking – because you are kinda stuck listening to what’s like a bad radio, as an AI pretends to be 2 to 3 people running 1 of 96 narratives.

He moved to Lockheed shortly after I started looking at all his family members, And they started redacting him

This is the way of the future
Sarah Connor is not coming to save us from judgment day
But really it’s going to be a useful tech
We need it to keep up with the agents of the future
But it’s origin Has been nefarious— and lack of oversight has caused the torture, death and institutionalization of thousands of Americans and foreigners.

Any CAGE or DUNNS registered contractor can submit a bid for testing tech
they have no business using without oversight

John Rendon’s employees appear often
His comapny wags the dog in global media

ACORDING TO MR TIM: The last rendon employee he talked to was CJ “Heater”

He says: People were killed – burned alive— and he tossed in his cell for 4 years

He says he reached out to a lot of the Hacker community – and mailservers from SA inc. is the smoking gun…

The other things are too scary to repeat, but he gets into
testing on humans without their consent.
and makes note of the witness relocation clause in the DSO file- as well as the torturing of Marines

He concludes by saying: I ended my prodding after hitting intelligence agency contractors
I had trouble making them assets after 2 years
Nobody wants to lose their retirement money
My last brush with the rendon group ended badly for me and others people’s lives
I’ve done all I can with no funding –
Judgment day for many
I expected to be dead years ago
Don’t really care either way anymore. Acceptance over fear
You don’t get to burning spooks covers and questioning them And live long.

At this point in the discussion, I want to remind you that According to classified documents released by the Ministry of Defence in 2010, Winston Churchill may have ordered a UFO sighting to be kept secret.

You just can’t verify any of it.

So— back to my original point

I’ve been accused of being nihilistic. I get it. In my becoming a lawyer phase I drank red bulls all day to get through the reading, and drank to get to sleep for four hours— putting on weight just like a real law student. It was horrible on my body— and I probably shouted incoherently into the cosmos.
Is it possible that shouting at the cosmos only appears to be nihilism when the thing that one is shouting out about is incomprehensible to the average person?— Not because they’re too stupid— but just because who would want to waste their live with this incoherent gibberish.

Again— If I was a nihilist, I’d shoot meth and get on Tinder.

Instead, I’m trying to give you a glimpse into my wacky world— as fuzzy as that may seem.

Now we have to ask ourselves:




Former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, Frank Skinner said “In 1954, President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases including Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico.’

Again— totally unverifiable.

What can we be sure of?

Bernie Sanders, AOC— Mitch McConnell— Nancy Pelosi— every last one of them signed off on the stimulus package. They fucked you. They fucked you. They fucked you. All of them. Bernie Sanders played lip service by pretending to yell about it— but he still signed off your death warrant.

From the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 to Senator Robert Morris 1782 Bank of North America loan of 1.2 million to congress— to the formation of the Federal reserve itself— they have been shifting around money to fuck the people for hundreds of years. They are feeding expired meat to tigers, who will grow up and eat their young.

The worst part is that the Republicans are going to play it off like we’re all lazy. And yet— some of the hardest working people are poor as fuck. Now they call them “essential workers”— and they’re still fucked.

How hard does Congress work? They don’t. How hard to Billionaire CEOs work? They don’t Fuck em. All they do is fuck. The system is hopelessly broken— and change is not going to come about by continuing to put on our Sunday dresses to vote.

That shit is done.

Fuck them all.

You want change— start to get real.

Don’t pay your rent. And don’t forget the Chicago Eviction Riots of 1931— nor the Rent Strike War of 1932. And if you don’t know— then read up.

A pox on both their houses.

It’s not nihilism. It’s realism.

Venmo: RodWebber


Revolution or Bullshit?

There will be no revolution. 
Kiss your optimism goodbye. 
For all the resistance in the streets it’s still a house of cards for those with no rent and nothing to eat. 

And yet, for those who do, revolution has not entered their minds. 
Revolution you say? 
No… everything’s fine.

We have two choices, revolution or bullshit. 
You’re choosing bullshit. 
I’m choosing bullshit.
We are all choosing bullshit.
Because we have no choice but bullshit.

The game is rigged, and if you are incapable of seeing that, then you’re simply another cacaphrenic and dunderLumpkin playing pawn to the hoodpicks, killcows and tenterbellies calling the shots from their mansions tucked away in far-off enclaves guarded by grotesque owl/pig hybrids in West Palm Beach.

And as things get worse, whether from pandemic or unpaid rent, the people continue to stare blindly into the sun as it hurdles towards the earth, dumbstruck like a deer in the headlights.

Those fires in Minneapolis were the wake up call. Wake up to the pestilence— to the injustice— to the largest transfer of wealth in human history— dumptrucks full of money simply being handed over to the super rich. Ten billion dollars handed over to the airline industry alone. As my friend Noam told me, why not make those the people’s airlines? How do we not have shares in that investment? 

George Floyd’s death was a tragedy— and I’m surprised more cities weren’t burned before and since. But if you can’t see that these protests are about more than George Floyd— then you need to put a bullet in your TV— because you don’t have your ear to the streets. 

The courts in the United States are filled to the brim with right wing douchewizards. The corporate news is bought and sold by molerat propagandists. Citizen’s United has decided that money is the same as free speech. Were there drunks raging in those fires in Minneapolis— yes— but spraypainted among the fire and rubble were countless slogans calling for the end of capitalism. You could hear it cried in the streets, “don’t burn the houses— don’t burn local businesses.” Spraypainted on many walls were phrases like “black owned business” or “minority owned business” and for the most part, these buildings were saved. Fires jumping from one building to the next was an unfortunate side effect— But, believe it or not— there was an ethos to many of these arsons, as strange and contrary to common sense as that sounds. 

What we’re experiencing is our little democratic experiment flying too close to the sun. And like Icarus, our wings will soon melt. Our brains will run, and our collective nervous system will tie itself into knots, as it struggles desperately to break free from itself. And with every breath choked from democracy, the demon semen grows stronger— as Trump’s health specialist would say.

The things which we found to be our bedrocks of stability, will soon crumble, as the 24-7 surveillance state rises, and Walmarts become the dominant face of fascism across the land. Trump’s brown shirts surely need to be stood up to but it seems to be Amazon and Target which are the sweet Jesus juice that we just can’t live without. 

And no amount of marching nor chanting nor protesting in the streets will bring back those who needlessly died, whether through virus or Bombshells, through tear gas canister to the head shot by federal agents on American citizens, or just plain lack of basic healthcare— this democratic experiment has always been willing to sacrifice the masses including those you love in the name of the almighty dollar.

Sadly, we are the threat. We are who we should fear. We are the ones giving strength to the power structure. Our tax dollars give America it’s military might. No waving of flags, no slogans for the oppressed, no lip service paid to those who are suffering can break the American love-affair with comfort, flat screen television sets, and brutal corporate capitalism – the mother of privatized tyranny. 

Am I guilty too? Sure. To a degree. I don’t put too much worry into my bed frame. I get my computers and phones second hand— but I do have a car, and I use technology. Everyone is a slave to the system in a system where we have to pay fealty to our corporate overlords to survive, It would be naïve to think otherwise.

But are you telling me the revolution will come about through playing video games on a livestream while chatting about Karl Marx or The Boogaloo-depending on which side of the philosophical spectrum you’re on? This is all bullshit. And anyone who supports this is bullshit. Your revolution is bullshit. Not because I don’t believe in the idea or the ideals behind the revolution… to believe otherwise is to wish an eternity of tyranny upon our children and our children’s children. So, on the rationales behind revolution, I am all in. What I am trying to say, is you’re fucking it up— and you’re fucking it up bad.

When the protests in Minneapolis happened, where were you? In the comfort of your home molting like a pachyderm, watching it as presented by the corporate mole rats on your fancy pants entertainment system? Most likely. The fires and the looting which took place in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd‘s death were but the tip of the iceberg. And if you weren’t there, you didn’t see what I saw. Goddamn cannibalistic winged platypuses. Misers and skinflints attempting to fuse alien DNA in the back of a burning Target store. National guardsmen— four on one, reenacting Floyd’s death by wrestling an unarmed black man to the ground after ripping him from his car. But unlike the Floyd situation, these guardsmen let him up and jumped in their Humvee to make their escape. He wasn’t having any of it and climbed on the back of that Humvee and just road off down the street like a fucking gladiator in a chariot race. This is the stuff of legend— But did they show that on Tucker Carlson’s jolly green jingo show? Did Anderson Cooper fight off the dispossessed zombie horde as they emerged from manhole covers, or get sprayed in the face with capsasin? 

cockalorum. Crapulous, craptastic tomfoolery. And you should all be ashamed of yourselves for continuing to support these corporate chuds. CNN, Fox News— They are merely the mind control division of our worldwide privatized tyranny.

Concentrate hard, and see if you can access your third eye. Tap into the universe and try to see the earth from afar. It’s a little speck of dust in the dark— and we are but cells in the blood stream of a a mold spore called humanity living on the planet’s crust.

So, why is it important to get your news from the source? Because you just tried to tap into the Akashic record, and you didn’t see shit. Even if you watched every second of my live-streams, there is so much that goes on in the periphery of my eye. There are winks and nods, and conversations had off camera. To take it back to the old days, I had that conversation with inter dimensional space goblin, Jeb Bush. I will be your useful fool if you’ll be my useful fool— Just don’t make me look too foolish. That story is also a book.

But when things got their craziest, there were really only three of us trying to seriously film. Crews came and went— but the hard-core live streamers who stayed until the break of dawn were me, Rich, and Niko from Unicorn Riot. What a perfectly wasted opportunity for a man with a name like Wolf Blitzer.

And don’t be fooled by Wolf. Donald Trump and his gangbanger family are having a field day with coronavirus. His space mantis buddies with the protruding lower mandibles are like: Check this shit out. There’s a pandemic? Super. Let’s use it to dump billions of dollars into the pockets of our nightcrawler friends. Alright— now go have a copsucker rally. Babble incoherently about law and order. Your cronies will love it.  Lock up the protesters and shoot em in the face with lizard giz. Now let Roger Stone and all your other criminal buddies go free. Fill the courts with right wing maggots. Mitch McConnell and his white collar cronies will totally suck your dick!

With the half trillion dollars that America’s billionaires have just acquired, they could literally pay someone to suck their dicks all day and all night every day and every night. They could probably buy themselves 100 Lolita expresses with 1000 Epstein islands and even purchase a time machine so that they could grab up 12-year-old Ivanka to bring her into the present so she can get it on with daddy Trump. 

$1200 in coronavirus relief ain’t gonna do shit. And how is this thing going to work with half of America potentially becoming homeless in the weeks to come? Do you think those George Floyd protests were out-of-control? More cities are about to burn if they don’t figure this shit out quick. And maybe they should burn. But Sadly, those in charge have no incentive to get their acts together. And while burning down cities seems to have achieved more than decades of peaceful protest, this is a big ass country— and unless you can mobilize all the white folks in the suburbs to do the same, I still don’t see how this can work.

The rent is due, but in some kind of state of denial, everyone is using their downtime to get on Tinder. I can’t blame ‘em. There’s no jobs— even if they wanted jobs.  If they were smart, they’d be using that shit to recruit foot soldiers on the street. Instead— from what I’ve heard anecdotally— it’s just another way to measure the size of your bank account. No one wants to hook up with a “revolutionary” living under a highway overpass or an anarchist squat— even if it is a fucking mansion. They want fine sparkling wine and steak tips. Who cares if it’s a candlelit dinner with alt-right waterboy Tim Pool? He’s paying— no strings attached. You chewed his beef, but you didn’t have to fuck.

Meanwhile, all the best and the brightest are actually homeless— because they are living what they espouse— rather than to espouse working for the good of the community while searching for new sugar daddies on Tinder.
If I accepted all the offers made to me by corporate media for my videos, I’d probably have pretty tidy stock portfolio. But I don’t. You can’t be a smelly communist while banging a capitalist pig. 

I’m making reference to a friend. But the point stands— insert communism, anarcho-syndicalism or goat-herderism— whichever ideology serves your needs today. To be for revolution means to be for the people— and you are either for the people or you are against. The problem is that Karl Marx never anticipated the Internet, global capitalism or dating apps. And this is why there will be no revolution. You motherfuckers are too comfortable.

Look— You can be born into privilege and be for the people. You can attempt to use that privilege for the greater good. But we are part of a web of interconnections— and while that’s certainly done much good— for enabling people to see the injustices around the world via social media and video-phones— it also means that we live in a world of global traders, trading stocks via algorithms which can predict fluctuations in the market within a millisecond. And ye who is the master of the algorithm is the master of money, and therefore one of the masters of the world.

Wait. I know. We’ll make T-shirts with the latest and greatest catchy slogans, and have them print up the shirts with slave labor in the Philippines or China. As long as we can look past the moral implications, and not fall down the slippery slope, it could work. Amirite?

While I believe that a great service would be done for the world by bringing an end to the American Empire’s global reign of terror, think about its size, and its scope and sheer military might. We live in a world governed by corporations— like Ned Beatty giving a speech in a film called “network” in which he reminds the audience there are no more countries nor borders, only corporations. This is what your revolution is up against. And while I am all for it, you’re fucking it up. You’re not doing enough. Sadly, it’s not going to be the marches. It’s going to be the fires and corporate property destruction. 

Never mind what the idiot-box is screaming. The choice is between revolution and bullshit. Why do you keep choosing bullshit?